Wednesday, March 21, 2012

National Women's Month!

March is National Women's Month, I salute all the women that came and gave before me.  Mentoring Young Girls Inspiring for Tomorrow “MYGIFT” Program, Inc.  is my way of reaching back, giving back and saying “Thank You” to all of the women that have touched my life

MYGIFT Program, Inc. was founded in August 2007, because of my determination to not be part of the problem, but to be part of the solution to save young girls from lack of confidence and low self-esteem that could ultimately lead to their self-destruction.   I could never thank all the women that have made a positive impact in my life, so I decided that the best way to honor them was to create a mentoring program that would touch the lives of young girls that may be going through some of the same situations that I experienced when I was a young girl. 

It was important that MYGIFT be a unique program, one that teaches “real” life skills, because young girls need to have at least one older and wiser female to talk to, in a safe and comfortable environment where they can share their feelings, fears and accomplishments.  Most of all it’s important for young girls to have someone to go to for advice, before they make life changing decisions about their future. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston - Another Fallen Angel (Aug. 1963 - Feb. 2012)

On Saturday, February 11, 2012, Whitney Houston died, we lost one of the most beautiful voices that the world has every had the pleasure of hearing. I have to honestly say that I wasn't a big fan of Whitney Houston, but I did like her music.  Like everyone else I watched the highs and lows of her career through the eyes of the media. For the past two days, I've read so many negative and positive comments about her life with and without her ex-husband, Bobby Brown.  Most people are convinced that Bobby Brown introduced her to drugs and turned her into an addict, ruined her career, which ultimately, led to her untimely death.  I am amazed that people,who don't even know her or her ex-husband personally, can make such a horrible accusation, become the judge and the jury, not to mention convict him, based on only what you have learned from the media.  Whitney Houston is dead and nothing that you say about her or Bobby Brown will bring her back, so stop wasting your time spreading rumors that serve no purpose to anyone, but to fill us your Facebook and/or Twitter Pages.  Do something positive that will make a difference in someone's life that you do know. Why don't you help that family member or friend that is struggling with their own problems, whether it's drugs, alcohol, domestic abuse, or finances. 

Take this as an opportunity to spread joy, not gossip.  Whitney was dealing with her own person demons and it's not up to you or me to pass judgement on her life, without knowing all the facts, which are really none of our business. Her decision to become a celebrity and share her gift with the world, doesn't give you the right to act like you know her personally, because you read some blogs, magazines or watch a few entertainment shows on television and/or cable.  Stay in your lane and remember that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.  We all have things in our life that we would prefer not to share or deal with in public, but should it become public knowledge, I would hope that someone would lend a helping hand and not point a finger of judgement.  Someone you care about might be in need of help, but they're afraid to reach out to you because of how you might judge them.

I will admit that some of her public actions didn't help her image, but again, because I don't know the circumstances, I will refrain from passing judgement.  What I do know is that she's dead and she will never stand on a stage and sing for her family, friends and fans ever again.  I know that she has family, friends and fans that loved her very much, regardless of her demons, so out of respect for them....if you can't say or do anything nice in memory of her, be quiet, don't say anything.

My prayers are with her family during their time of need.  I pray that her Bobbi-Kristina is surrounded by people who love her and have her best interest, so that she is allowed to grieve the lost of her mother and not loose herself in the process.  I hope that this unfortunate situation helps someone to change their lifestyle, take the first steps to overcome their demons, or just ask for help.  I alway say that it's important to have a positive image; however, after learning of the passing of Whitney Houston, I must say that it's more important to live a positive life.  R.I.P. Whitney Houston!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Color of MYGIFT!

MYGIFT Program, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit mentoring program that was founded in August 2007.  Our organization teaches girls ages 8-18 years old to embrace who you are, by building their confidence and self-esteem.  We believe that every girl needs a strong foundation of confidence and self-esteem, to help her to make positive choices in her life, as she journeys into womanhood. 

A MYGIFT Girl is a young lady who is high motivated, with the ability to see the big picture. She is innovated, strong-willed with a strong sense of companionship.  While she is normally regal and exquisite; however, she can let her guard down and have a good time.  She is confident young lady with the ability to stay focused, while putting matters in the proper perspective.

The following colors were selected to represent our vision, mission and purpose: 

WHITE: Highly motivated, bright, ability to see 'the big picture', a chameleon, money is not always the object of their lives, great wisdom. Is a combination of everything but is not tarnished or affected or changed by anything. White is most often associated with purity, simplicity, youth, goodness, reverence and honesty.
MAGENTA: Nonconformists, innovated, strong-willed, inventive, imaginative, artistic, resourceful, productive, creative, and has an agile mind.  Magenta's are bright and determined about things they regard as important. They are great manipulators as well as actors. Magenta's tap dance to their own tune!
PINK: Shows a purity of intention, strong sense of companionship, cleanness, love of art and beauty, and shows vitality.  Pink is the color of children, most notably girls. In a logical sense, pink would symbolize a young female royal. Not quite purple, pink is flirtatious, fun and silly if you will. It is the color of your inner child. It sends the message that while you normally are regal or exquisite, you can also enjoy letting your guard down and having good, clean fun.
BLACK: A protective cloak shielding themselves from outside energies and keeping themselves centered or focused while putting matters in the proper perspective. Black can be viewed as a representation of all that we have experienced and be used as a demonstration of the fullness of our life. It symbolizes the culmination of everything that exists. It represents a complete person, someone who is confident, a person who lacks nothing.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Embrace Who You Are!

Know that what you have accomplished, your courageous acts, and your commitment to embrace who you are…is aligned with your purpose and a gift to us all.  Never be afraid to make positive choices over the popular ones—even if you have to stand alone with your decisions ... but, look around, you are never alone.
- MYGIFT  Program, Inc. -

Makeya is our April MYGIFT Girl

Makeya is our April MYGIFT Girl. She's 15 yrs. old and here's what she had to say about the April Workshop:

One thing you learned today that you didn't expect to learn by participating in this workshop?

"I learned that it's okay to step outside the box."

Her favorite things:

Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite subject in school: Government
Favorite female singer: N/A
Favorite male singer: Neyo
Favorite rapper: Wiz Khalifa
Favorite book: "Who Am I Without Him"
Favorite outfit: N/A
Rita's or Coldstone: Rita's
Pet Peeve:
Stinky Breathe

Today I Will Love Me!

Today I Will Love Me!

Today I will love me!
I will honor and respect me today!
I will hold my head up high and walk with confidence today!

Today I will love me!
Today, I will begin making positive choices in my life.
Today, I will begin focusing on my personal dreams.
Today, I am one step closer on my path to womanhood.
Today, I will begin focusing on my educational and professional goals.

Today I will love me!
Today, I intend to do everything in my power to make sure that I have the best day I ever had.
Today, I will give back to tomorrow’s generation of young girls, ensuring that they have the same opportunities to make good decisions about their future.

Today, I will embrace me, from the top of my head, to the bottom of my feet.
I will love me today, tomorrow and forever!

~ Michelle Dunn ~

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Power of Change Is In Your Hands

Life is a set of circumstances that
you can change, improve,
and make better day by day.
It's your decision; it's in your hands.
Just like the potter at the wheel, you are
the force that turns and moves
the clay into a thing of beauty.
Like the painter's brush depicting
something fresh and new and picturesque,
you can create the scenery that's best for you.

Each person has rhe power to take
control of every circumstances in life -
to change, improve,
and make it better day by day.
Not one of us can say;
"I must accept whatever comes my way"
because the way we choose to go
through life is our decision.
The power of change is always
in your hands.

- Barbara J. Hall -